Outsourcing work is the new trend among companies nowadays, ranging from startups up to established multinational companies. Majority of the businesses outsource work since it is easier for them to dedicate their time and resources to their operations. Especially for those who are budget conscious, where companies can reduce operational costs in manpower and other human-resource-related processes. It also develops into a valuable strategy to expand and support business growth around the globe, particularly the developing countries.

So what is Outsourcing? Outsourcing is where companies entrust their business process functions to an external agency. It also offers a wide range of jobs, ranging from manufacturing to customer support. This promotes added job opportunities to those who are looking for employment in the other spectrum (mostly for developing countries). Which provides these people to work with multinational companies, as well as upsurge the country’s (developing countries) employment.

Developing countries at the moment show no sign of slowing down. As a matter of fact, outsourcing jobs to these countries interjects to the increase in the GDP, which proves that outsourcing jobs contribute to the rampant development of these countries. In the Philippines, the rise of the Business Process Outsourcing (BPOs) adds 7.5% GDP growth in 2018, along with the Overseas Filipino Workers (OFW) remittances. According to Digital Marketing Philippines, the Philippines is one of the top countries for business process outsourcing (BPO). Also, the Philippines is one of the most trusted countries if you consider outsourcing staff.

With the rise of the outsourcing job opportunities in the Philippines, it proves that the Philippines in the future will be a country who outsource every service. Considering that the Philippines ranked to the third spot in Asia who has a high English literacy rate, according to EP EPI. Moreover, the country has a high literacy rate at 97.95 percent, which is presented in the United Nations Human Development Report in 2016. They also considered that the Philippines will be one of the next tiger economies of Asia, next to Brunei, Indonesia, and Singapore. Since Filipinos have a high literacy rate, it also points out that Filipinos provides massive talent pool which includes filling job vacancies around the world. Also, the Philippines has thousands of graduates every year, especially in the fields of administration, finance, marketing, medical science, and IT. Since the labor costs in 50-80% lower compared to the western countries. It shows that the Philippines is the ideal location for establishing outsourced jobs since they deliver the same output quality, which is more cost-effective. That is why the rise of staff leasing and employee leasing in the Philippines starts to become apparent.

Staff leasing or employee leasing agency is a business conveyance model between a client and provider, where the provider is responsible for recruiting staff for their client company’s needs, as well as providing the equipment and overseeing the company’s operations. These agencies ensure that the leased staff are delivering their work correctly and ensuring the company’s expectation to them. What is advantageous with staff leasing and employee leasing is that they are flexible to the needs and requirements of their client company since they can adjust according to the company’s demands.

So why consider staff or employee leasing agency to your business? The main benefit in considering staff leasing and employee leasing is to relieve you from the tasks which are stressful, especially dealing with an administrative issue such as employee benefits, human resource, and worker compensation. Additionally, it is more cost-effective rather than doing these task independently, plus it gives you more time to focus on other profitable functions for your business.  Here are the 7 steps to get started:

  1. Request a Consultation

Once you have decided to outsource your administrative task and finally decided to implement employee leasing or staff leasing to your company. Look for the possible agency that you wish to select and contact them, and one of the consultants in the agency will discuss the service, process and what kind of leasing (staff or employee) is right for your company.

  1. Review the Proposal

After you have decided on which service, process, and leasing you have decided on your company. The consultant will present you with a full proposal of their task as well as the projected costs and other possible solutions for your company.

  1. The signing of the contract agreement

After you’ve agreed to the proposal, you can sign the contract which includes full non-disclosure and non-compete agreements. Also, it specifies the payment and service terms in the contract. Once the parties have signed and agreed, the recruitment process will commence immediately.

  1. Recruitment of Employees

The agency’s recruitment team will start to look for candidates that will fit for the job specification that the company demands. Extensive background and employment history are checked to ensure that all the candidates are in line with the job description. Moreover, the screening process requires candidates to take an exam and interviews to filter out the best candidates that are suitable for your company.

  1. Select the Qualified Employees

After selecting the best candidates for your company, the qualified candidates will be presented by an HR manager of the agency, where they will forward you the resumes and other details that you need. You can also conduct an interview with the qualified candidates just for you to guarantee that these staff or employees are in line with the company.

  1. Execution of Staff Leasing

After you have selected the qualified candidates. The agency will schedule a meeting with the qualified candidate and discuss the job scope, structure, and expectation towards the company. Then the agency will set a start date for the qualified candidate to start working with your company.

  1. Conducting a Regular Evaluation

Once your employee or staff started working with your company, the agency will hold a regular evaluation on your employee or staff to guarantee that your new employee or staff is performing well and also to spot the things to be improved or change towards to work and/or relationship with your company.

Thinking about considering Employee Leasing or Staff Leasing in the Philippines? Please visit https://springboard.com.ph to know about what’s the best outsourcing solution that is best for your company.